Apple has release its latest firmware update for the Thunderbolt Display. The current version 1.2 comes almost 3 years after 1.1 was released in December of 2011. Version 1.1 was released then to fix a fan noise issue that affected a small number of displays. Concerning its latest update 1.2, Apple has stated:
This update improves reliability when connecting devices to the Apple Thunderbolt Display, and addresses a rare issue that may cause the display to go black.
To download this update have your Thunderbolt Display connected and visit the Apple Mac Store, then click updates. You could also see their support page for the direct link. Still no word from Apple on an updated 5K Thunderbolt Display. If you are looking for a display to connect to your Macbook Pro with Thunderbolt port, take a look at our recent round up – the best monitor for Macbook Pro.
Although the latest version of the iPad stirred quite a hysteria, it may surprise you to know that the Mac recently passed the iPad in overall revenue. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the first Macintosh and this years sales were the second among all it’s products. It generated revenue totaling over $6 billion. These Mac sales proved that Mac still has the upper hand over similar PC models in terms of quality.
So the question is: What’s the cause for the rise in sales for Mac? This is a very good question and one that can be answered by looking at the marketing strategy of Apple. In the last eight years, Apple has decided to do a few things different. For example, they increased their visibility by opening more retail stores, especially overseas stores in Europe and China. They also stopped charging a fee for updating Mac software and offered a reasonable price for other Mac computer products like the Macbook Air.
Surprisingly, prices for their desktop and laptop computers have not decreased significantly in price compared to PCs, averaging a price point, two to three times higher than the cost of a PC especially for laptops. Nonetheless, consumers say that it is the quality and value of the product that sets Mac apart from its less expensive counterparts. This is a quality and value that consumers have come to count on. Once consumers have a pleasant experience with an Apple product, they generally become lifetime customers, buying other Apple products for themselves and family members. This is what keeps Apple and Mac products continuously in the running for high sales. You can’t beat a loyal customer.
In addition, Mac continues to be a frontrunner now that it offers free updates for its Mac OS X operating system and lower prices for new Apple products like the Macbook Air. This only helps to move the brand beyond the iPhone and the iPad and into what it was originally known for. Now, Apple has provided a seamless transition between the iOS and OS X environment. This is yet another draw to gain and keep customers.
Apple will of course still have PCs as its competitor, particularly in price. Consumers are drawn to a lower price for a product that can competitively do the same as its more expensive counterpart. The key for Apple is how to continue to retain its loyal customers.
Normally Mac users don’t worry about viruses infiltrating our computers because Mac is such a reliable computer and Apple technology is so reliable that the threat of a virus is very far off. However, there is one “security vulnerability” out there that seems to be a threat to Mac computers. This technology insect is known as the Bash or Shellshock.
Up until just a few weeks ago, the threat of this bug could have wreaked havoc on Mac computers. Now, however, the threat has been contained and Mac users need not to worry. The threat of these bugs came from a security flaw in Mac operating systems. This breach in security would have allowed any hacker to get into the operating system and completely take it over! According to CNET, the way this bug works “involves the execution of malicious code within a bash shell — a command-line shell used in many Linux and Unix operating systems, and by Apple’s Mac OS X operating system.”
The Bash bug is apparently not new, dating back almost 25 years. It is known to be aggressive in its mission of hacking into PCs or Mac computers through either the terminal application or the Command Prompt, and then controlling the operating system in order to get access to the any personal or confidential information.
Apparently in the OS X, there was a glitch that made it vulnerable to the Bash bug where the entire operating system would be able to be attacked and controlled from an outside force.
The system has now been fixed and the operating system OS X Lion, Mountain Lion software, is not in danger of being taken over by hackers. According to Apple, “With OS X, systems are safe by default and not exposed to remote exploits of bash unless users configure advanced UNIX services.”
There was once another security flaw just like the Bash bug named Heartbleed. It did the same the that Bash does, which is take control of the entire operating system and leave the user vulnerable to their confidential information being hacked and/or stolen. Heartbleed was first heard of in April, and it affected close to 300,000 users, some of whom still have to deal with security issues two months after they were first hacked. The experts have stated that when comparing Heartbleed and Bash bugs, the Bash bug is even bigger because of the surprising ways it communicates with the operating system without being detected.
With this breach now fixed, Mac users can rest easy. Nonetheless, Apple has taken extra precautions. Mac users are now able to visit a website set up by Apple where they can get update to their computer for the Bash bug.
It’s never a surprise when Apple launches an upgrade to their operating system, or OS, as we all lovingly know it as. So, when Apple recently hinted that they would be releasing a new operating system called the OS X Yosemite on October 21, this was no surprise. It’s actually exciting news as Apple users are always looking forward to the next new upgrade.
On the day before this new OS upgrade has been scheduled, Apple will also reveal their third quarter earnings. This scheduled reveal of their earnings indicates that the since the new OS upgrade will be the following day, then it is more than likely the new operating system is not only a rumor, but also a definite fact that the Mac App Store will feature the new upgrade very soon after. Launching a new OS upgrade the day after sharing the company’s financial earnings is something Apple has done before. They did it in the years 2011 and 2012 when they released the OS X Lion and Mountain Lion upgrade.
They didn’t, however, announce their operating system release date alongside their earnings showing when they released the OS X Maverick in 2013. Instead, Apple’s announcement of its third quarter call was done on the sixth day after the OS 10.9 version debuted.
Apple gave another significant clue that it would be releasing this new OS X Yosemite when they released the “Golden Master” GM) of OS X 10.10.” A golden master is like a copy, preparing for the arrival of the real thing. So, the anticipation of this new operating system is brewing and it seems that Apple will not disappoint.
OS X Yosemite is said to have a large array of new features for Mac users. Reports have indicated that one of its new features will be the use of “Continuity, which is an umbrella term for handing off tasks begun on an iPhone or iPad to a Mac — and struts a refreshed visual look reminiscent of last year’s iOS 7 with a “flatter,” more minimalist feel.” This new upgrade will not have to be purchased, but will be free for those with a Mac computer or laptop dating from 2007 and up. It will also be available for free to the Mac Mini desktops dating from early 2009 and onward. These systems are the ones that are capable of running the operating system on their hard drive.
Those in business and on Wall Street are eagerly waiting to hear the quarterly sales numbers for Apple on October 20, especially the sales of the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. These sales numbers will most likely determine how quickly Apple users will jump at the opportunity to upgrade to the new OS. Apple will provide a live feed on their website for fans to see the detailed information in real time.
The name PayPal has become synonymous with the most popular method of Internet payment. Everyone knows of PayPal and many, many people use it. And why not? Having a secure and private method of payment online has been an incredible resource. For many of us, eBay was the first online store where we first heard about PayPal, and over the years, eBay and PayPal have had a comfortable relationship. Well, in late 2015 eBay and PayPal will be severing their ties as PayPal moves on from eBay and out on their own.
This leaves PayPal open to join with someone else. Enter Apple Pay. Apple Pay is Apple’s new payment option through its app featured on Apple products like the new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus. PayPal is not only popular, but also easy to use for its customers. Here’s how it will work: iPhone users will find the PayPal app, locate the store on the app, and sign themselves in. This is done while the user is in the store, ready to make their purchase. It will be that easy. In order for the payment to go through, the iPhone user will be required to aim their phone directly at the point of payment within the store, put their finger on the Touch ID option, and then the transaction will be complete. Basically, point and shoot. A confirmation of a successful transaction will be in the form of a beep and a vibration.
So now let’s talk about the security of paying through PayPal and the Apple Pay app. The security that has been implemented for iPhone users to utilize this paying option is of the highest caliber. The benefit of having this payment option is mainly so that you don’t have to show your personal credit card information while in the store and run the risk of having your personal credit and identity breeched somehow. That said, both Apple and PayPal had to make sure that your personal credit card and bank information was extremely secure. According to PayPal, the personal information and credit card numbers of its users are “heavily guarded, both physically and electronically.” We trust their word, and they ensure to do whatever it takes to continue to guard this information.
In addition, PayPal’s servers are not directly connected to the Internet, in an effort to prevent hackers from getting to that information. The only eyes that see your personal information and transactions is you, especially when you receive an email immediately after each purchase or payment through PayPal. This way, you have the ability to keep track of what is going on with your account.
Likewise with Apple Pay, your personal credit card numbers and information is secure and not seen by Apple or the employees in the stores. The way Apple Pay functions is “users take a photo of their credit card and add it to their phone’s Passbook where it is assigned a unique device account number, encrypted and stored in the phone’s Secure Element Chip.” The individual security code and the number of the device you are using will be the two items needed to complete the purchase. According to the company, “Apple will never know what you purchased, and you’ll still get rewards points on the credit cards you use.”
With all of that purchasing power in one place, there is also a protection for you if you lose your iPhone. This protection is the Find my iPhone feature. A misplaced or lost iPhone’s information can be erased completely if it’s not in the owner’s hands, and this way your private information will not be accessed by criminals.