Tag Archives: yosemite

How to make an OS X Yosemite install drive

Backups are always important that’s why we recommend one when it comes to your operating system. Of course you can always use a Time Machine backup (if you have it enabled) but for speed and use with multiple setups it’s nice to have quick access to a bootable drive. Maybe you even want to build a Hackintosh (don’t worry, your secret is safe with us).

By far the easiest way to do this is to use a flash drive and a program called DiskMaker X. The program is free to download and easy to understand. In does all the hard work for you and creates a bootable OS X disk in a snap.


Creating an OS X Install Drive:

  1. Download and install DiskMaker X.
  2. Download the Yosemite Installer from the App Store. (Hint: If you’ve already installed Yosemite on your computer you can hold the Option Key while clicking on the purchases tab to re-download the installer from the App Store).
  3. Plug an 8GB flash drive or larger into your computer. (Warning: Do not use a drive with information on it as this process will completely erase the disk’s contents.
  4. Open the DiskMaker X program and choose Yosemite (10.10) from the list.
  5. From there DiskMaker X will do all the work for you.

That’s it, you’re done. Now to launch the installer using the drive, simply insert your flash drive and hold down the Option Key when rebooting your computer. You’ll find that the installer comes with Time Machine recovery and Disk Utility as well.



Apple hints at October 21 as OS X (10.10) Yosemite release date

It’s never a surprise when Apple launches an upgrade to their operating system, or OS, as we all lovingly know it as. So, when Apple recently hinted that they would be releasing a new operating system called the OS X Yosemite on October 21, this was no surprise. It’s actually exciting news as Apple users are always looking forward to the next new upgrade.

On the day before this new OS upgrade has been scheduled, Apple will also reveal their third quarter earnings. This scheduled reveal of their earnings indicates that the since the new OS upgrade will be the following day, then it is more than likely the new operating system is not only a rumor, but also a definite fact that the Mac App Store will feature the new upgrade very soon after. Launching a new OS upgrade the day after sharing the company’s financial earnings is something Apple has done before. They did it in the years 2011 and 2012 when they released the OS X Lion and Mountain Lion upgrade.

They didn’t, however, announce their operating system release date alongside their earnings showing when they released the OS X Maverick in 2013. Instead, Apple’s announcement of its third quarter call was done on the sixth day after the OS 10.9 version debuted.

Screenshot of OS X Yosemite Beta

Apple gave another significant clue that it would be releasing this new OS X Yosemite when they released the “Golden Master” GM) of OS X 10.10.” A golden master is like a copy, preparing for the arrival of the real thing. So, the anticipation of this new operating system is brewing and it seems that Apple will not disappoint.

OS X Yosemite is said to have a large array of new features for Mac users. Reports have indicated that one of its new features will be the use of “Continuity, which is an umbrella term for handing off tasks begun on an iPhone or iPad to a Mac — and struts a refreshed visual look reminiscent of last year’s iOS 7 with a “flatter,” more minimalist feel.” This new upgrade will not have to be purchased, but will be free for those with a Mac computer or laptop dating from 2007 and up. It will also be available for free to the Mac Mini desktops dating from early 2009 and onward. These systems are the ones that are capable of running the operating system on their hard drive.

Those in business and on Wall Street are eagerly waiting to hear the quarterly sales numbers for Apple on October 20, especially the sales of the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. These sales numbers will most likely determine how quickly Apple users will jump at the opportunity to upgrade to the new OS. Apple will provide a live feed on their website for fans to see the detailed information in real time.

Apple releases OS X Yosemite beta 7 to developers

Apple Computers released their newest update to OS X Yosemite on Thursday. The new build, 14A343f, includes new app icons for the dashboard and several graphical tweaks to help Apple users customize their screen. Apple also released updates for OS X Sever 4.0 Developer and the Apple Configurator 1.6.


Yosemite will be shipped apart from iOS 8.  Here’s a list of tweaks to the latest version: 

– New icons in the System Preferences app


– A new dark menu and dock mode with thinner font


– New icons for the Dashboard, Keychain, Disk Utility, and Migration Assistant


– A new Spotlight search for Dark mode


– File versions browser are now the same as current Time Machine user interface


– Software Update removed from Apple menu, replaced with update notifications from the App Store


– Yosemite now allows Skype calls by default


– New icons for the ColorSync Utility


Yosemite is currently slated for release in mid to late October.

Apple releases second OS X Yosemite public beta

For the first time in Apple’s history, earlier this year they released a public beta of their upcoming OS X update. Named Yosemite, it brings a brand new look to OS X, taking a lot of design cues from iOS. On Thursday, Apple released the second version of this public beta to testers.


Over the past month, Apple has released two developer updates to Yosemite. This second public beta brings the public version up to date with what developer’s are currently using. OS X Yosemite Beta 6 was released to developers earlier in the week. It brought several small user interface changes, and the usual amount of bug fixes. The first public beta, which was brought out about a month ago; Apple said it planned to allow 1 million people to sign up for the beta.

Old system preferences look
New system preferences look
What’s New?

If you’ve been using the public beta, there are several new things you’ll find in beta 2. You’ll find small tweaks of the UI all over the place. Apple has spent the last month making sure every corner of the OS X user interface receives a make over in order to make it fit in with the rest of the operating system. 

You should also notice that this beta feels much more finished than the previous beta. Over the last month, Apple has fixed innumerable bugs and flaws, and has brought the OS closer to what we’ll see when the finished version hits Macs this fall. 

Apple seems to be pushing the developer betas faster than the public version. It’s possible that they are doing this in order to prevent major bugs for people who aren’t accustom to using beta software. 


The second public beta also includes the latest version of iTunes 12. iTunes 12 includes a brand new interface to fit in with the rest of OS X Yosemite, as well as new features for creating and managing playlists, and easier library management. 

This second version of the iTunes beta fixes several bugs, and further refines the user interface. 

Where to Get It

If you have the first public beta installed on your machine now, upgrading to the second version is as simple as opening the Mac App Store and going to the Update tab. There you’ll find an update, that when downloaded will update you to public beta 2, and will also install the latest version of the iTunes 12 beta.

If you have yet to sign up for the OS X Yosemite public beta, it appears (as of publication), that Apple is still accepting participants into the program. You can go the sign up page here. How long this will remain open is unknown, as again, Apple has stated that only 1 million people will get in. 

Preview: Quick look at the all new OS X Yosemite

For the fourth straight year, Apple is releasing a major update to its desktop operating system, OS X. This year the release is named Yosemite, continuing Apple’s new naming scheme based on California landmarks (last year’s update was labeled Mavericks after a California surfing hotspot).

OS X Yosemite may be one of the largest updates to the Mac OS since OS X was released in 2000, at least in terms of visual changes. Last year Apple released iOS 7 which brought a completely new design to the mobile OS; this year a lot of that same design has been implemented on the desktop. What’s new in OS X 10.10 Yosemite?


Redesigned Interface

The most major change in OS X Yosemite comes from the visual changes. The design is now much more iOS-like, taking the flat and translucent design from its mobile sibling. New icons adorn the classic Mac Dock; while a new dark option gives users the ability to make OS X a little less bright. 

The main theme of the new interface is translucency. The dock, the menu bar, and the title bars of all the apps are now translucent, allowing the user to see “underneath” the app. Apple says this gives users the ability to sense depth in their applications. 

Outside of the main interface, you’ll notice a redesigned Notification Center, which can now be equipped with third party widgets.


Updated Apple Apps

In addition to the main interface, all of Apple’s pre-installed applications have been updated to fit with the new look and feel of OS X Yosemite. For example the Mail app has a new look as well as some new features like in-message markup. Messages received the biggest update; it has a new look as well as allowing users to group message using iMessage. 



For people who have both a Mac and an iOS device, Apple has created a new service called Continuity. Continuity allows users to start doing one thing on their Mac (or iPhone) and continue doing it on their other device. For example, if you start browsing the web on your Mac, you can then pick up your iPad and continue browsing the same page there. 

This is accomplished with a new icon that will pop up on both devices when Continuity is available. In the example above, a Safari icon would appear on the lockscreen. 

Continuity also allows users who own an iPhone to take calls and send SMS messages on their Mac. 



Swift isn’t something that most users of the Mac will care about. It’s a new programming language that will allow developers to code Apple applications with less code and less experience. From an end-user experience, this should mean faster applications. 


Bottom Line

These are just the major updates to OS X Yosemite, there are many more under the hood. One of the biggest changes Apple has made is that it is allowing 1 million people to try the software before it is officially released in the fall with their Public Preview. This is a major change for Apple, which usually keeps its beta software under lock and key until it is polished enough for public consumption.