WiFi issues with Apple MacBook Air

It’s not news to those who own the brand-new 11-inch and 13-inch MacBook Air computers, but recently it’s been discovered and confirmed by Apple that some people are experiencing Wi-Fi connectivity issues.

Of course one of the premier features of the new Air, besides less battery-intensive chipsets, is that it features faster wireless connectivity thanks to a new 802.11ac card. Of course, as with any new product bugs are possible, but it’s frustrating for many when one of the very features that the new MacBook Air was marketed on is the one that doesn’t work.

Reports released have stated that the MacBook Air Wi-Fi issues are due to networking problems with the OS X software. And fortunately, Apple is aware of the trouble and working to address it. A recent statement from the company advised that, “In the United States, Apple Geniuses and Advisors should capture MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2013) and MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2013) computers with any Wi-Fi issues.”

According to an industry insider, Apple is working to identify just what exactly is causing the new WiFi-related problems. Initially, when trying to get to the root of the problem, AppleCare advisors offered customers complementary USB-to-Ethernet adapters so their new MacBook Air could connect to the Internet without Wi-Fi. But as a result of more frequently reported Wi-Fi problems, both AppleCare and Apple Store Genius Bar employees were advised to collect any affected MacBook Air units and replace them, advising customers that they have been “captured.” The computers would then be sent back to Apple for testing so a solution can be found.

The latest news, however, is that Apple is sending out invitations to certain MacBook Air owners inviting them to participate in the company’s AppleSeed customer software seeding program in order to test a pre-release version of a new “MacBook Air Wi-Fi Update 1.0.” Apple hasn’t specified in the invitations exactly what the issue is that a software update is designed to address, but the buzz amongst those in the know is that the update focuses specifically on the Wi-Fi connectivity issues.

Further to the already-reported MacBook Air Wi-Fi connection issues, the public release of Apple’s OS X 10.8.4 public release and OSX Mavericks beta are also reported to be experiencing software issues that prevent machines from supporting the new 802.11ac Wi-Fi standard and taking advantage of the faster speeds for file transfers. Apple has yet to make it clear to the public whether they will address the same issue for current MacBook Air owners through the software update in testing or through a separate patch like the upcoming OS X 10.8.5 update.

As frustrating as it can be to purchase a new MacBook Air only to discover it has an issue that prevents you from using it for one of its primary functions, it is good to know that Apple is addressing the issue, replacing the affected computers for customers and working to solve the problem. Hopefully those who choose to accept the AppleSeed invitation will have success with their update and be able to enjoy the many excellent features included in the new MacBook Air.

Overview of the new Apple Mac Pro

Have you seen the new Mac Pro? It could arguably be the most innovative design to come out of Apple in some time – and considering what it’s packed with, it’s more than just a pretty face. When a small group of Mac users were originally showed a photo of it and asked to guess what it was, answers ranged from “beautiful vase” to “fancy trashcan.” Well, trashcan it’s not.

Apple is already promoting it as the future of computing and the center of their desktop line, and with good reason. The 9.9-inch cylindrical design is remarkable, and the polished black finish makes it truly stunning. The smooth, compact package is even more incredible when you discover just what it contains.


The new Mac Pro is loaded with components, featuring gigabit Ethernet support, HDMI and multiple USB 3.0 ports. It also boasts six Thunderbolt II ports, which provide a 20G bps transfer speed 25 times faster than Firewire 800.

Furthermore, it supports daisy-chaining devices, making it perfectly capable of handling up to 36 peripherals, including multiple displays, hard drives and anything else consumers may need. Connecting all those devices will also be made easier by the lights now present on the back of the tower.

Processing Power

It’s no wonder that the innovative new Mac Pro has a CPU built to handle everything it’s capable of. The standard model is already two times faster than the current Pro, and it can be configured with up to 12 cores. This is no desktop for the average computer user; regardless of what you need it to do, this tiny workhorse will be able to keep up.

Wireless Capability

With the latest technology in every other area packed into the compact cylinder, the Mac Pro also features the latest in wireless capability. It comes standard with both 802.11ac and Bluetooth 4.0.


Speaking of displays, the high end graphics card that comes standard on the new Pro makes it able to handle three 4K monitors at once; perfect for super-users for whom more than one monitor is essential.

The cutting-edge technology used in the Mac Pro makes it ideal for video editors, too, with standard dual GPUs and an immense 7 teraflops of computing power.


While the latest desktop in the Apple line does have it’s critics, one small downside initially came to mind, and it’s more aesthetic than anything. While the new Pro’s technology is so cutting-edge and its design so beautiful, it doesn’t come equipped with a standard hard drive. Of course that’s the future of computing, yet users are still likely to connect large-scale external drives to it. The computer can certainly handle it, but the need to plug so many peripherals and drives into it sullies its beauty. A minor concern considering it is the ultimate in Mac computing, and not a vase, as guessed.


While no specific release date has been published as of yet, Apple are already promoting the new Mac Pro on their website, hinting that it will be released later this year.

No price has been confirmed yet, either, although experts suspect it will be a minimum of $2500.00 USD. While the price tag may seem hefty, even for those of used to parting with a bit more money to have the latest Apple technology, it’s worthwhile to keep in mind that the Mac Pro truly is “professional grade.” Those who require its capabilities in order to do their jobs will likely consider it a worthwhile investment.

Mac App Store vs Windows Store

The Mac App Store has been such an incredibly useful invention for anyone who owns an iMac or MacBook. Unlike in years past, through it we’ve been able to download new software and operating system updates directly from the Internet, without having to go out and buy the discs.

But what about those who favor PC computers? Do they have anything similar, or is still a matter of heading down to the nearest computer shop or ordering discs online every time there’s a new edition of Windows or Office?

For those who are now using a PC with Windows 8 or RT, they can now access the Windows Store, which bears some similar qualities to the Mac App Store. Although it hasn’t been around as long as the Mac version, and isn’t accessible to as many consumers, it does have 50,000 apps already in it.

Much like the Mac App Store, apps are divided into categories as well as listed by new releases, top free apps and top paid apps. Apps can be installed on up o five different PCs. One great thing about the Windows Store is that while there are free and paid apps, just like Mac, there are also paid apps that offer free trials. That’s an excellent way to ensure you’ll really like an app before you spend money on it, and could help to ensure greater customer satisfaction.

Many of the apps in the Windows Store are similar to those in the Mac App Store, including well-known titles like Twitter, Skype, All Recipes and Adobe Photoshop. Other best sellers include games like Halo and Scribblemix and the Nook e-reader app. While there are many apps in common, given the two different platforms, there are some apps that are different. Each app store has products exclusive only to Windows or to Mac, which sets the two apart.

The Mac App Store is great because it is well established already and offers a vast range of software. For anyone knew to it, it’s easy to use because it has the same interface and overall user experience as the iTunes Store. It also has a wider audience than the Windows Store, which is still only available to purchasers of the latest PC computers, making it useful to more people.

It’s difficult to determine one as being better than the other. Comparing app stores is much like every other aspect of the Mac versus PC debate; those who like Mac will always insist that Apple products are superior, while those who favor PC will in turn voice their opinion that Windows and the choice of computers it comes on is a better option. There are certainly pros and cons to both, as no computer is perfect – in the end, consumers will decide which product, interface and user experience they prefer and buy accordingly.

However, it’s worth noting that many of Windows’ latest developments, like the Windows Store, are similar to features those of us who buy Mac have been enjoying for some time already. Despite Microsoft developing app stores and other technology similar to what we’ve already enjoyed for years with Mac, those of us who choose Apple will continue to enjoy the quality manufacturing and innovative design provided to us for years to come.

Updates on iWatch rumors

“Can’t innovate anymore, my ass.” Those were the words of Apple’s Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller recently when talking about the new Mac Pro. Clearly, the whispers that Apple can’t innovate anymore is have reached the company, and they’re determined to rally against such ideas.

What would really help Apple generate a significant amount of excitement akin to the release of the iPad is to launch another entirely new product. And what better than the long-fabled iWatch?

The iWatch; the concept car of the computer world. Talked about for years, rumored to exist but never actually put into production. Could this be the perfect time to make it a reality?

Analysts have referred to the iWatch as more of a hobby for Apple than a major new product line. By releasing it, they could essentially redefine the watch industry. It’s been projected that the watch could generate $10 billion to $15 billion in revenue for the company, which sounds enormous but puts the watch firmly in the “hobby” category when you consider Apple is projected to earn $187 billion by the end of 2014.

While it’s unlikely the iWatch would have quite the same impact as the iPhone or iPad, it would certainly set the tech world buzzing and bring renewed interest to the company. It would encourage investors and consumers to see that Apple still has the ability to make innovative products that the public wants to buy, even if they don’t necessarily need them. It won’t be a gigantic money-earner, but it will get people talking.

According to sources in the industry, Apple management and engineers are actively working on an iWatch that performs some of the computing tasks currently offered by the iPhone and even the iPad. The rumor is that the team dedicated to the project has grown over the last year, fueling the belief that the watch is becoming more than just a concept.

The watch-like computer has been rumored to include the Siri voice assistant and the Maps app to offer features such as walking directions. Other reports have it incorporating several fitness-related features like a heart rate monitor or calorie counter, similar to devices like the Nike Plus running chip and FitBit tracker, both of which are worn on the body and even have apps that run on the iPhone and track health and exercise-related data.

Trusted sources have revealed that Apple has worked on fitness-specific products before, none of which of course made it to market. But incorporating those features into something like the iWatch could be a whole different story.

Other reports about the iWatch have centered more on its design and appearance, especially a distinct curvature for the glass that makes it wrap around the human body. What’s more, it’s even been stated that the company will release it with a flexible wristband akin to the 1990’s slap-band bracelets. Judging by the sleek design of other i-devices and even the innovative, yet to be released Mac Pro, the styling of the iWatch will likely be simple, modern and surprising.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has promised some exciting developments for the computer giants coming throughout the fall and into 2014, and while no release date has been provided, it’s possible the iWatch could be one such development. Until that time, rumors will continue to circulate about the mythical iWatch and what we’ll be able to do with it.

Simcity for Mac delayed

Those of us on “Team Apple” who can’t wait to rule over elaborate simulated cities once again will have to wait a little longer. Unfortunately, Electronic Arts has postponed the release of the brand new SimCity for Mac game for the second time.

The eagerly anticipated game was originally due to hit shelves in February, but was pushed back to June. Now, Electronic Arts’ Senior Producer is claiming it’s still not quite ready for primetime. The company now reportedly aim to launch it in August, giving them more time to “ensure a great experience for players.”

Of course, the gaming giant had a bit of a bumpy ride with the release of SimCity for PC in March. The issues were primarily related to the fact that the game can only be played online, unlike previous versions. This new feature requires that the game be connected to Electronic Arts’ servers at all times, in order to facilitate region play where cities are connected and accordingly share utilities and citizens.

While a fabulous idea, the constant connection required by the über-popular game meant traffic slowing down the servers, resulting in poor quality play. That issue has now been addressed by Electronic Arts. In fact, several updates have been released since the game’s launch and the 1.3 million PC users who have bought the new SimCity are playing it with the good experience intended.

However, we can’t help but wonder if the Mac version is being delayed because of similar bugs. SimCity for Mac will be available exclusively as a download through Origin; perhaps systems are being upgraded and bugs ironed out once again in preparation for the onslaught of Apple users buying it?

Despite the delay, early reports indicate that the latest version of SimCity will be worth the wait. It will support cross-platform play with PC users, has beautifully upgraded graphics and a host of new in-game features, from big changes to tiny details.

One significant update is the fact that each Sim is now an individual, with his or her own personality, life expectancy, career and education. With no more faceless Sims moving around your city like ants, this will certainly add a new dimension to game play. Other new features include everything from having curved roads and customizable buildings to being able to commute between cities. The new SimCity will even have more detailed crime scenarios.

In addition, cross-platform interactivity will certainly come in handy with the new Great Works Areas update. These zones benefit regions over one individual city, enabling players to collaborate, bring in more tourists and even share the cost of energy.

Electronic Arts have also stated that the Mac version will automatically include the Launch Park, a special area that just opened up for PC gamers last month. And while waiting is frustrating, we can hardly blame the developers for proceeding with caution before launching SimCity for Mac, given the PC issues. Even still, that does little to dissuade our patience as we cross our fingers and hope the release isn’t pushed back any further.

Update: Mac Version to be released August 29th.