Almost every OS X release has its problems, and OS X 10.9 Mavericks is no exception. From the security problem they discovered a couple weeks back, to the continued Power Nap woes of the new Mac Pro, Mavericks has seen its fair share of problems. A new problem has sprung up. There have been several reports that the latest Mavericks update, 10.9.2, completely breaks AirPlay mirroring.
Here’s one complaint from Apple’s support communities:
AirPlay Mirroring is something that many professionals rely on for presentations, and it is also something a lot of people use to stream entertainment to their big screen televisions.
There doesn’t seem to be an apparent cause of this particular Mavericks bug. It seems to work on machines that were updated to Mavericks from an old install, and ones that were wiped clean and had Mavericks installed fresh. Some are speculating that it is in the code of Mavericks itself.
Mavericks has had, it seems, an inordinate number of bugs when it comes to built in Mac features. 10.9.2 itself was meant to fix both the aforementioned security problem, and a huge problem they’ve been having with and Gmail.
Slow Updates
It seems that this update cycle has taken longer than usual. By this time of the year we’re usually on the third update to a new version of OS X, while we’ve only seen two so far with Mavericks despite its problems. 10.9.2 does seem to have finally fixed the Finder problems on older machines, so there’s that.
OS X 10.10 or OS XI will probably get shown of at WWDC in June. Almost always in the past, most of the big problems with the previous year’s release have been taken care of by WWDC. The question is whether or not Apple will keep that tradition. They seem to be stretched pretty thin, what with the number of bugs that iOS 7 has, and Mavericks, they have to be trying hard, but things seem to be happening slower than usual.
With the AirPlay Mirroring bug, Apple hasn’t yet acknowledged the problem, but will probably take care of it in the next update, especially if users keep talking about it in the forums.
Have you had this problem? Have you found a workaround?