Tag Archives: magic mouse

How to disable Magic Mouse scrolling

With its wireless and multi-touch capabilities, the Apple Magic Mouse is quite magical indeed. That is until you dive deep into multi-page PDFs, large spreadsheets and other documents that require extra fine mouse control. The Magic Mouse can be sensitive and easily cause you to lose your place with the slightest movement. This can only lead to anger, frustration and lost time. Lets disable Magic Mouse scrolling once and for all.

1. Go to your System Preferences and select Accessibility.


2. Now under Accessibility, scroll down the left menu and select Mouse & Trackpad. Then in the lower right select Mouse Options.


3. You have a few options now to fine tune your scrolling. To completely disable scrolling, uncheck the scrolling checkbox. You can also leave it checked and modify your scrolling by either adjusting the scroll speed from slow to fast or changing the drop down menu from with inertia to without inertia. To finalize your changes click done.


Now you know how to disable Magic Mouse scrolling completely. However some people may want to disable only the horizontal scrolling and leave the vertical scrolling on. To do this you will have to use the Terminal. The Terminal application is located in your Applications/Utilities folder. Although not difficult to complete we would recommend for advanced users only.

To disable horizontal scrolling paste the following command in Terminal, and hit Return:

defaults write com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.mouse MouseHorizontalScroll -bool NO

To re-enable horizontal scrolling paste the following command in Terminal, and hit Return:

defaults write com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.mouse MouseHorizontalScroll -bool YES

For these Terminal commands to take effect you will have to do one of two things. On the bottom of the Magic Mouse turn the power button to off, then back on to reconnect via bluetooth. Your second option would be to restart the computer. After that your changes should take effect.

Top three most essential MacBook accessories

If you’re like many of us who love technology, you may have no sooner purchased your new MacBook computer before you found yourself wondering what other gadgets you could use in conjunction with it. Some people simply don’t have the need for MacBook accessories, while others like to add on everything they can for a full computing experience. Furthermore, many other people simply choose a few key peripheral devices they require for security, functionality or work.

External Hard Drive

One of the most essential devices every MacBook owner should have is an external hard drive. While the hard disk, solid-state and fusion drives that come in the latest MacBook models are renowned for being secure and stable, it is always a wise idea to back up your data on a regular basis. Thanks to Apple’s Time Machine, doing so with an external hard drive is extremely easy. Should you ever experience an unfortunate hiccup with your computer, you’ll feel better knowing that copies of all your important files are safely backed up on a drive that is separate from your computer.

DVD/CD Combo Drive

Another major accessory is an external DVD/CD combo drive, particularly one that can both read and write discs. Primarily useful for those who have a MacBook, it means that software like a previous edition of iWork or Office for Mac doesn’t have to be re-purchased on the Mac App Store to accommodate no longer having an optical drive. Another bonus of purchasing such a drive is that new models have the ability to read and write Blu-Ray discs. That makes them a great purchase for those who own MacBook Air laptops as well as those with Macs that just aren’t Blu-Ray capable.

Magic Mouse

A third essential peripheral device is an Apple Magic Mouse. For those who are still using a hardwired mouse, particularly one made by a third-party brand, the Magic Mouse may take some getting used to. But once you’re accustomed to it, it will revolutionize your computing experience. The Magic Mouse is made to get the most out of Apple computers, whether you’re navigating the iTunes store or just maneuvering through your own files. Whether it comes with your iMac or you’ve bought one to use in place of the Trackpad on your MacBook, the Magic Mouse is a great peripheral device for any Apple user.

While these may be three of the most essential accessories, and basic, peripheral devices for Macintosh owners, there are countless other popular ones as well. MacBook owners who work with numbers often like to add on a number pad that makes calculations easier to input. And those who use their MacBook for heavy-duty gaming often go for specialized game pads, joysticks and other peripheral devices that enhance play.

If you’re a MacBook owner who relies heavily on peripheral devices, then the new Apple products with Thunderbolt and Thunderbolt 2 are ideal. With the ability to daisy-chain up to six different peripherals, Thunderbolt provides fast, seamless uploading and connection without slowing your computer down. As essential as your accessories may be, owning a Thunderbolt-capable MacBook is just as necessary for optimal use of your gadgets of choice.