Apple has release its latest firmware update for the Thunderbolt Display. The current version 1.2 comes almost 3 years after 1.1 was released in December of 2011. Version 1.1 was released then to fix a fan noise issue that affected a small number of displays. Concerning its latest update 1.2, Apple has stated:
This update improves reliability when connecting devices to the Apple Thunderbolt Display, and addresses a rare issue that may cause the display to go black.
To download this update have your Thunderbolt Display connected and visit the Apple Mac Store, then click updates. You could also see their support page for the direct link. Still no word from Apple on an updated 5K Thunderbolt Display. If you are looking for a display to connect to your Macbook Pro with Thunderbolt port, take a look at our recent round up – the best monitor for Macbook Pro.